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Taking constraints to the next level: a new rescued poem every day in April 2018

For national poetry writing month (NaPoWriMo) I’ve written a poem a day in April each year from 2012 to 2015, but in 2016 I needed to concentrate on finishing the PhD and last year I had a little break. So now I’m back in the write-and-publish-a-poem-every-day-in-April saddle.

This year I decided that I would write and post a rescued poem daily: there’s nothing quite like putting on a straitjacket, then trying to do cartwheels!

I’m posting them over at Please visit, and I’d love to hear what you think about the poems via the comments.

Rescued poetry featured on Jacket2

I’m absolutely thrilled that the delightful Jerome Rothenberg has featured my rescued poetry on Jacket2, a leading online journal that offers commentary on contemporary poetry and poetics. You can read it over here.

He says:

Her procedural poetry, as presented here, adds significantly to the line of such poetry in modern and postmodern writing — in both her poems and poetics. The idea of the “rescued poem” is indubitably her own, and a further collection of poems as examples will shortly be gathered as a book.

Jerome is an eminent American contemporary poet who started his career as a translator of poetry. He is also a highly regarded poetry anthologist, editor and poetic theorist. One of the most well-known anthologies for which he is responsible is the beautiful Technicians of the Sacred, a collection of poetry and incantations from indigenous peoples around the world.

You can read more about Jerome on the Poetry Foundation website.

Thank you so much, Jerome.

UPDATE: I was very sad to hear that Jerome died in April 2024. A great loss to the poetry world.

RIP Jerome Rothenberg: born 11 December 1931, died 21 April 2024.

Read Jerome Rothenberg’s obituary in The Guardian here.


What is a ‘rescued’ poem?

In The Writing Experiment, Strategies for Innovative Creative Writing, Hazel Smith discusses recycling text in chapter four, ‘Writing as Recycling’. ‘Collage encourages you to approach creative writing through other means than personal experience,’ she says. ‘Your creativity is expressed through your choice of texts, the way you structure their relationship and the degree to which you transform them.’

Reminiscent of ‘Language’ poetry, the concept of recreating texts from existing texts intrigued me and captured my imagination. I love the ‘lego-ness’ of language and its functions. Also, I like replicable processes, probably thanks to my engineering background.

One does not usually associate processes with creative writing endeavours. I believe, however, that occupying the mind with a process that does not demand too much conscious attention switches the mind into a creative state; at least this is what I experienced when I immersed myself in the process of rescuing poems. I had a limited number of words from which to choose and my creative self was happy to dip into this limited vocabulary and construct images. One could argue that the creative process is impeded somewhat in this way, but sometimes choices can overwhelm and paralyse the mind causing it to be unable (or unwilling) to create at all. Limiting options may create a doorway through which the mind is more ready to leap.

I formalised the rescue process and I call the resulting poems ‘rescued’ rather than ‘collage’ because it seems to me that ideas are latent within texts. Using this process I could find them and sculpt them into poetic relief using this special recovery mechanism. Sometimes the ideas are closely associated with the subject of the source texts themselves; other times the ideas had very little or nothing to do with the source texts.

Here is a summary of the process I created.

  • I select two books. I may pick two with similar themes; two that are very different; two by the same writer; sometimes I just choose at random.
  • I select the number of one page in each book using the RANDBETWEEN function in Excel.
  • I transcribe the text of each page into a Word document and columnise the text so that one word is on each line.
  • I copy this column of text into the online word scrambler at and use the online scrambler’s ‘Random’ function to jumble the words.
  • I copy the scrambled column of words back into the original Word document and change the column back into a block of text.
  • I print out the pages of randomised words and underline words that catch my eye.
  • I write those words out in a jumble on another blank page.
  • From these words I write the rescued poem.

An important point to note is that I sort words (rather than phrases) individually so there is no danger of reproducing slabs of original text in a rescued poem. This means they are not like ‘found’ poems and also there are no copyright issues to consider.